Thursday 30 April 2009

Snails in the rain

It was very wet today and the snails were very happy.

We found lots of centipedes and millipedes under the logs too but they were too fast to catch!

This one was very happy slithering along Mrs Long's hand having an explore.

Bobbie-Jo found a baby snail - isn't it cute?

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Wednesday 29 April 2009

Animal Hunting

There were lots of animals hiding in forest school today, and some escaped aliens -we had to look really hard to find them all - some were very hard to find like the dinosaur hiding in the tree because he was camouflaged!

One of the ponies was high up in the tree which we couldn't reach but Finbar worked out if he got a big stick he could reach to knock it down - good thinking!

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Tuesday 28 April 2009

2CB Bluebell walk - Perry Wood

The children had cameras in pairs and took photos of as many different flowers and plants as tehy could as we walked through the woods.

There were loads of bluebells everywhere.


Beautiful ferns looking really green after all the rain.


A very bumpy tree!

Herb Robert.

These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
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