Wednesday 12 November 2008


Mrs Long had been given a letter from someone called Spike which she brought to to Forest School today. Spike was getting ready to hibernate and needed our help to keep him warm. Mrs Long explained that hibernation meant that Spike would be sleeping through the winter until the spring when it got warmer and he needed some help to make him a home to sleep in. In the letter it told us lots of things about Spike and his family - where he liked to sleep, what he looked like and what sort of things he liked to eat and we guessed that he was a hedgehog.

Luckily there were plenty of leaves, sticks and mud that we used to make a home for Spike and his family - we made sure the house was away from the path so Spike wouldn't get trodden on, but near the mud pit as there are plenty of worms for Spike to eat when he wakes up as we though he'd be really hungry!

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