Wednesday 12 November 2008


Mrs Long had been given a letter from someone called Spike which she brought to to Forest School today. Spike was getting ready to hibernate and needed our help to keep him warm. Mrs Long explained that hibernation meant that Spike would be sleeping through the winter until the spring when it got warmer and he needed some help to make him a home to sleep in. In the letter it told us lots of things about Spike and his family - where he liked to sleep, what he looked like and what sort of things he liked to eat and we guessed that he was a hedgehog.

Luckily there were plenty of leaves, sticks and mud that we used to make a home for Spike and his family - we made sure the house was away from the path so Spike wouldn't get trodden on, but near the mud pit as there are plenty of worms for Spike to eat when he wakes up as we though he'd be really hungry!

Tuesday 11 November 2008


Forest School was very, very muddy today! It had been raining all over the weekend and the mud pit and paths were very squidgy. We had great fun sliding down the paths - Emily tried not to fall over as she didn't have waterproofs on like we did.

Some of us got a bit muddy playing in the mud pit, but it all washed off!!

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Squirrels and Hedgehogs at Forest School

This afternoon Squirrels and Hedgehogs went to Forest School together, as we had assembly practice in the morning. We took Mrs Guest with us and showed her how to play 123 Where Are You - it was difficult to find everyone as they hid so well!

Some of us made smelly cocktails using leaves, mud and berries that had fallen from the trees - some of them snelt lovely but others reminded us of smelly socks! The other group tried to find as many different coloured leaves as they could - they were surprised to find brown, green, yellow, red, black and purple - and lots of different shades.

Mrs Guest really enjoyed her afternoon and can't wait until she can come again.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Making Shapes

Today at Forest School we collected lots of different leaves - we found big ones, small ones, loads of beautiful colours and some had been eaten by the animals.

We piled them all up in base camp then Mrs Long asked us to make some shapes in our groups - she whispered the shape to make so that the other groups didn't hear then they had to try and guess which shape we'd made.

All the groups worked really well together and made brillaint shapes - it was quite hard to keep the leaves in the shape as it was a bit windy!

Can you see what shapes we made?

Tuesday 14 October 2008


We decided to see how many different colours we could find in Forest School - we thought we'd find brown, green, red, orange and yellow but we were surprised to find some blues and purples on some leaves, and Charlie found a stone with every colour on it! We made some rainbows with our different colours and shades - aren't they fantastic!

Smelly Cocktails

Today at Forest School we made smelly cocktails by taking ' a pinch' from things we found in the area - we used mud, leaves, bark, grass and berries and mixed them all up together - what wonderful smells! Some were very lovely smells and others weren't quite so sweet! The children then named their creations and they had to think really hard - we had mushy mud, blueberry muffin, minty grass, strawberry surprise and smelly sock - guess which one didn't smell so good!

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Rain and Mud!

Today at Forest School it was 2LG's turn to go out - Squirrels in the morning and Hedgehogs in the afternoon.

In the morning it rained but we decided that we would only get wet and could soon dry so we explored anyway. We looked for leaves and were brilliant detectives, finding the right trees and directing Mrs Long and Mrs Rimmer back to show them! We had chance to play 123 Where Are You where we tried to hide and be really quiet - that was hard! We had fruit and milk and Mrs Long told us a story about why the leaves change colour in the autumn.
Some of us played in the mud pit and got very muddy and wet but we all had a really good time.

In the afternoon the rain had gone but it was still very muddy which was great slipping and sliding around.Hedgehog group played 123 Where Are You and Mrs Long had a turn at hiding - Aston knew she'd hid a long way from base camp because it was difficult to hear her, but we managed to find her! They were leaf detectives too, and also had their PSHE lesson outside where everyone found their favourite place and took a photo - you can see these on our class blog page.

Leaf Detectives

Spider near base camp

Digging in the mud pit

Exploring Forest School

Under the tree branches

Do you think it's this tree?

Leaf Hunting

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Year 2 Forest School

2CB went out to Forest School today - it rained a bit in the morning but we all had a great time discovering what trees we had in our area - we found lots of different ones.


Look at our lovely wellies - don't they look smart!

Monday 29 September 2008

Forest School - Year One

Today at Forest School 1CG/GM went to Forest School. We went exploring in the area looking for trees and we played 123 Where Are You, where we all hid and Mrs Long and Mrs Vernalls had to look for us.

Today at forest school the children had a lovely time exploring the area and looking for mini beasts.