Tuesday 7 October 2008

Rain and Mud!

Today at Forest School it was 2LG's turn to go out - Squirrels in the morning and Hedgehogs in the afternoon.

In the morning it rained but we decided that we would only get wet and could soon dry so we explored anyway. We looked for leaves and were brilliant detectives, finding the right trees and directing Mrs Long and Mrs Rimmer back to show them! We had chance to play 123 Where Are You where we tried to hide and be really quiet - that was hard! We had fruit and milk and Mrs Long told us a story about why the leaves change colour in the autumn.
Some of us played in the mud pit and got very muddy and wet but we all had a really good time.

In the afternoon the rain had gone but it was still very muddy which was great slipping and sliding around.Hedgehog group played 123 Where Are You and Mrs Long had a turn at hiding - Aston knew she'd hid a long way from base camp because it was difficult to hear her, but we managed to find her! They were leaf detectives too, and also had their PSHE lesson outside where everyone found their favourite place and took a photo - you can see these on our class blog page.

Leaf Detectives

Spider near base camp

Digging in the mud pit

Exploring Forest School

Under the tree branches

Do you think it's this tree?

Leaf Hunting

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