Thursday 19 March 2009

2CB Shelter Building - 19.3.09

We worked in groups looking for places to build a shelter and then found branches to use - we measured them to see if they were big enough.

One group decided to use the tree to lean their shelter against.

Trying to join the branches together.

Lots of talking about which way was the best - Reece and Luke had some brilliant ideas.

Working together.

Making a home for worms - they need shelter too Libby decided.

Hope it stays there this time!

Charlie carrying yet more huge branches!

The carpet - this was an upmarket shelter.

You will bend!

Quick stop for fruit and milk - coffee for the grown-ups. The children were all keen to get back to their building so we didn't have much of a rest!

Checking out the shelter - Caitlin decided the carpet was a bit bumpy and needed remodelling.


The finished designs - they were all absolutely brilliant - loads of hard work and teamwork.

Nearly all squeezed into it - they decided next time they would make it bigger.

Looking at the groups shelters - we all had a lovely morning - some very tired legs walking back though - and we were all ready for lunch!

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